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Accutane (Isotretinoin)

Buy Accutane Online

What is Accutane

Accutane, which is also commonly referred to as isotretinoin, is a powerful medication that is typically prescribed to patients who have severe acne, particularly nodular acne, that has not responded to conventional treatments for acne, such as antibiotics. Isotretinoin, which is classified as a retinoid, regulates inflammation and reduces the size of the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for producing oil. It also reduces the amount of oil that these glands produce.


Usually starting at 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day, dosage is taken with food to improve absorption. Generally lasting 15 to 20 weeks, the course of therapy consists of cumulative doses between 120 and 150 mg/kg. Monitoring for side effects and efficacy depends critically on frequent follow-up visits to a healthcare provider. Monthly blood tests to monitor liver function and triglyceride levels are commonly performed. Because of the significant risk of severe birth malformations linked with isotretinoin, women of reproductive age have to use efficient contraception for at least one month before, during, and for one month following therapy.

Precautions and Contraindications

● Pregnancy: Highly teratogenic isotretinoin is contraindicated for women who might become pregnant, as well as for those who are pregnant.

● Patients with a history of depression or other psychiatric diseases should exercise caution since isotretinoin has been linked in some patients to mood swings and suicidal ideation.

● Look for liver problems; Accutane can affect liver function and increase liver enzyme levels.

● Patients with excessive triglycerides or cholesterol should be mainly observed since Accutane might aggravate these disorders.

● Patients having known sensitivity to isotretinoin or any of its components should not take it.

● Patients should be counseled on possible skin irritation and higher sun sensitivity.


● Tetracycline Antibiotics: Avoid taking Accutane with these antibiotics; concurrent treatment raises the risk of cerebral hypertension.

● Vitamin A Supplements: Taken with Accutane, the risk of vitamin A toxicity rises; steer clear of high-dose vitamin A supplements.

● Alcohol: It may cause liver damage, so it is suggested to cut alcohol intake when taking isotretinoin.

● If hormonal contraceptives are being taken, doctors should verify their efficacy and correct usage to avoid pregnancy.

Side Effects

● Typical side effects include dry lips and mucous membranes, nosebleeds, and dry eyes. Many individuals also suffer from itching and skin peeling.

● Rarely might severe adverse effects, including high triglyceride levels, liver malfunction, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and allergic solid reactions occur.

● Psychiatric Effects: Some people may have mood swings, depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts; any notable mood fluctuations should be let a healthcare physician know right once.

● Night vision issues can arise, so patients should be urged to monitor any changes in their vision.

Before You Start Accutane Treatment

● Medical History: List everything about your medical history, including any past skin conditions, liver problems, and depressive episodes.

● Women who have reproductive potential have to agree to use effective contraception and have a negative pregnancy test before beginning treatment.

● Discuss a suitable monitoring schedule involving frequent blood test visits to assess liver function and cholesterol levels.


● Overdose could include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dry skin, and hepatic malfunction. Severe cases can cause more significant problems, including rising intracranial pressure.

● Action: Get the proper medical assistance if you suspect an overdose. Usually concentrating on symptom management, treatment is supportive.


In conclusion, Accutane has the potential to offer significant benefits to individuals who are afflicted with severe acne, provided that it is utilized in a responsible manner and beneath the supervision of a healthcare provider. Patients who are contemplating this treatment ought to weigh the potential benefits against the risks, engage in in-depth conversations with their healthcare providers, and continue to adhere to monitoring guidelines in order to guarantee the safe and effective utilization of this treatment.