Become a CDR Member
Double-Diamond Level ($50,000) The membership affords companies with more say in how their membership funds are spent and grants them further access to resources at the CDR.
• Sponsor a student or graduate student who will present a talk at the company once a semester (two presentations per membership year)
• Opportunity for an employee to shadow a Lab Tech or Researcher for a week
• Attendance for two new employees at a lab training session
• Two seats CDR Advisory Board
• Six attendees at CDR events held through the membership year
• 1/2 day per month face time with Dr. Bozena Michniak-Kohn and/or key lab members
• Two seats on CDR Program Committees
• Full access to Archived Lectures
• Your firm will be able to present an exhibit at most events, your company representative will have the opportunity to present a 15-minute talk to the attendees, and your company logo will also be featured prominently in all meeting and event marketing materials.
• Special seating at the VIP table during the reception with CDR leadership and speakers of the evening.
Diamond Level ($20,000)
This new member level opens up a whole new realm of opportunities and level of involvement for members of the CDR.
• One seat CDR Advisory Board
• Six attendees at CDR events held through the membership year
• 1/4 day per month face time with Dr. Bozena Michniak-Kohn and/or key lab members
• One seat on CDR Program Committees
• Full access to Archived Lectures
• Your firm will be able to present an exhibit at most events, your company representative will have the opportunity to present a 10-minute talk to the attendees, and your company logo will also be featured prominently in all meeting and event marketing materials.
• Special seating at the VIP table during event reception with CDR leadership and speakers of the evening.
Platinum Level ($5000)

• Your firm will be able to present an exhibit most events.
• Company representative will have the opportunity to present a 5-minute talk to attendees.
• Your company logo will also be featured prominently in all meeting and event marketing materials.
• Four attendees at CDR events held through the membership year at reduced or no cost.
• Special seating at the VIP table during the reception with CDR leadership and speakers of the evening.
Gold Level ($2500)
• Your company logo will also be featured in all meeting and event marketing materials.
• One attendee at CDR Events held through the membership year at reduced or no cost.
Silver Level ($1000)

• Your company logo will also be featured in all meeting and event marketing materials.
• One attendee at CDR events held through the membership year at reduced or no cost.
Individual Memberships ($250)
This membership level is for self-employed individuals or small companies with less than 10 employees

• Attendance at CDR events held through the membership year at reduced or no cost.