Videos 2017
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    1/30/2017 Organic Acid Applications within the Cosmeceutical Industry 'Chemical PeelsPatricia Brieva Ph.D,  L'Oreal 

     Abstract: Chemical peeling is the application of a chemical agent to the skin, which causes controlled destruction of a part of or the entire epidermis, with or without the dermis, leading to exfoliation and removal of superficial lesions, followed by regeneration of new epidermal and dermal tissues (Khunger, 2008).   The payoff for this type of office procedure is skin that is improved in elasticity, skin-tone, pigmentation, and texture as a result of the regenerated skin.   There are several types of chemical peels generated from variations of organic acid combinations and concentration.  The categories are typically categorized as:  Alpha hydroxy, Betahydroxy, Jessner, Retinoic, Trichloroacetic acid, and Phenol. The focus of this presentation will present the most well-known technologies. However, in addition to acids and concentration levels the efficacy of the chemical agents is dependent on the delivery system, solubility, as well as clinical regimen used and protocol.
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  • 2/15/2017 Gene-corrected fibroblast therapy for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa using a SIN COL7A1 retroviral vector: Joanna Jackow Ph.D,  Prof. Christiano's lab 

     Abstract: Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is a severe genetic skin fragility disorder caused by mutations in the COL7A1 gene encoding type VII collagen, which is the major constituent of anchoring fibrils (AF) at the basement membrane zone (BMZ). Patients with RDEB lack type VII collagen and therefore have severely impaired dermal-epidermal stability. There is currently no specific treatment for RDEB and several approaches using gene, cell and protein-based strategies are being developed. Here, we show that sub-cutaneous injections of gene-corrected RDEB dermal fibroblasts have the potential to reverse the disease phenotype in a human RDEB skin equivalent system in mice. We used a GMP-certified batch of a self-inactivating (SIN) COL7A1 retroviral vector and obtained 50 % transduction efficiency in primary RDEB fibroblasts. Transduced cells showed type VII collagen re-expression, displayed normal proliferative capabilities and viability, and improved adhesion properties in vitro. We provide evidence that intradermal injection of 3 x106 gene-corrected RDEB fibroblasts beneath RDEB skin equivalent grafted onto nude mice allows type VII collagen deposition at the dermal-epidermal junction and anchoring fibrils formation two months after treatment, supporting functional correction in vivo. These results provide a proof of principle that local injection of RDEB fibroblasts corrected with a GMP-certified SIN COL7A1 vector has a therapeutic potential for RDEB patients. 
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    2/27/2017 Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging Relevant Methods to Investigate Important Skin Parameters Like Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF), Skin Barrier Function, Active Delivery, etc...Samuel Gourion-Arsiquaud, PhD , TRI Princeton 

     Abstract: In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the use of spectroscopic imaging methods to address many basic questions in dermatology. These techniques are relevant approaches to investigate permeation of topically applied agents in skin, analyze important skin parameters and therefore are suitable methods for cosmetic and biomedical applications. Using these techniques, we can map the relative concentration and distribution of both endogenous and exogenous molecules inside the different skin layers. For instance, these techniques can monitor the water and natural moisturizing factor (NMF) concentration gradients in stratum corneum, the penetration of exogenous substances which are used as skin enhancers, actives and drug delivery agents as well as their impact on skin properties
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  • 3/13/2017 The Tecnology Behind Antiperspirants and Deodorants: Peter Hilliard Ph.D,  Colgate-Palmolive

     Abstract: This presentation will provide a basic overview of the underarm products. The history of the underarm protection and formulas will be presented. Physical and chemical properties, Modes of Action, product types and formulations will be discussed. 
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  • 5/15/2017  Sunscreen Formulations and its Challenges: Zsolt Szabados Ph.D,  Presperse 

     Abstract: Since 2011, after the new FDA mandated labekking rule, formulators face challenges in creating broad spectrum esthetically pleasing formulations. The limitations on UV filters in the US and the numerous stability and health related concerns, do not allow for for a lot of creativity, high UV performance  and global compliance.
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  • 5/22/2017  Is there a Better in vitro Model for Transungual Permeation: David Lebo Ph.D, Temple University

     Abstract: The main objective of the current work is to show how an intergrated approach to formulating transungual patch formulations can enhance drug delivery.
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  • 6/05/2017  Harmoniance Multifunctional and Sustainablr Zeta Fraction from Sacred Lutos: Michael Koganov Ph.D, Ashland Specialty Ingredients

     Abstract: Skin aging, inflamation and huperpigmentaion are common and complex problems, and an effective solution requires coordinated effects using multiple mechanisms and pathways; this is not always achievable by a sinlgle compound.Harmoniance is a proprietary ingredient derived from living Nelumbo nucifere (Sacred Lotus) by applying Zeta Fraction technology
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  • 8/28/2017  Understanding Formulation Design through the Microscope Lens: Amy Ethier Ph.D, BASF Pharma Solutions

     Abstract: Forulation design is truly a science of understanding active ingredient chemistry with excipient properties and functionality. The effect of excipient selection on semi-solid performnce can be sen at both at the macroscale and microscale: both of which evaluations are key in componet selection to meet formulation criteria.
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  • 10/16/2017  Novel Botanicals for Skin Care and Health: Ilya Raskin Ph.D, Rutgers University

     Abstract: Pharmacologically active phytochemicals (botanicals) have been used since the dawn of human civilization to treat and prvent diseases and to maintain health and beauty. Our research answers the need for safe effective and scientifically validated botanical ingredients and methods of thier delivery.
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